I'd love to hear from you!

Please use the form below to send me your contact details if you'd like to contact me about an initial consultation.

Feel free to contact me at katie.faulkner@gmail.com or (206) 605-1054.

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Kate Faulkner
Kate Faulkner Urban Gardener

I'm professionally-trained in horticulture and an experienced gardener. I earned a professional certificate in horticulture here in Seattle in addition to other botanical studies. That means I know how to care for individual plants and manage a landscape.

Your Winter Reminder


What's to do in late winter? Lots! There's a lot you and your gardener can accomplish this month in the garden.

Pruning of hardy trees and shrubs can continue as well as general clean-up of rotting perennials and dead material. In late February, more pruning can happen, especially those roses.
